Dr. Pepper Product Photography
Dr. Pepper Product Photography Took some time with my 6D Mark II and the 50mm lens to grab some photos of this very nice set of Dr. Pepper 4 packs for $2.50 each. Real Sugar, none of that High Fructose Corn Syrup aka Cancer Sauce. Anyway, I loved the really soft/warm lighting I used and it was a good chance to practice some bokeh and trying to make sure everything that needed to be in focus was in focus. I did this in a bit of a rush but I'm still pleased with some of the results. Critiques are always welcome. Also for those of you anxious to see photos with the 85mm Telephoto from Lightdow. I haven't really captured a single good photo I'm pleased with. I have a lot to learn with this lens and every photo is either out of focus (due to there not being a focus ring, just aperture adjustments done manually) or washed out because of white balance. For now, it's definitely not as versatile as almost all the other lenses I have. I'll see what I can get going soon thou...